It’s not about how our clients look, it’s about how they feel. Read their stories, you may see yourself.

  • SARAH: Twice as Confident

    As a mother of twin toddlers, going to the mall to shop for my wardrobe is not as practical as it once was, nor is it as fun. Once the twins were born, I started shopping almost exclusively online, basing my purchases on the pictures I saw; crossing my fingers they’d fit me the same way they did the models. Unfortunately, they didn’t, so most of the time my orders were returned.

    As I continued to embrace motherhood and my body changes, I realized I needed assistance to revamp my closet and find what would fit me best so I could make quality purchases with what little time I had. I didn’t want to use an online personal-styling service because they wouldn’t know my personality, style, or specific needs (such as toddler-friendly clothing that could move and wash easily after playdates and activities with my twins). The most important aspect for my new wardrobe was to not look like a “mom”. I still wanted to look great and feel great in my clothes, I needed someone to understand ME!

    I was worried at first that image consultants may not understand my personality or sense of style, so it was a bit intimidating to have not one, but TWO come into my home to go through my closet! However, I never had to repeat my needs or wants for my future wardrobe because Bruce and Pamela were active listeners who had thoroughly read my Personal Style Assessment (PSA). This helped me build trust and confidence in their ability to rebuild my wardrobe. Also, I knew I could trust their professionalism to tell me what would work for my body and style and what wouldn’t.

    I didn’t expect to have fun; but I had so much fun with Bruce and Pamela, they were very easy to get along with. Even when we were going through my closet, they put me at ease; there was a lot of smiles and laughter during the whole process. Bruce and Pamela helped me really see and understand my body and style by explaining and showing me why certain styles work and why others don’t instead of just saying “no” and moving on without explanation. It took someone else demonstrating to me rather than me scrolling through online pictures to find what was right. For example, I never realized that I was dressing a size or two too big so I was drowning in fabric. And it turns out, the clothes that I wore the least in my closet were the ones that worked the best for me; and the clothes that I wore the most, didn’t work for me at all!

    After going through my closet, I learned I had to get out of my comfort zone, be open-minded, and trust the experts. The team did a great job understanding and interpreting my needs and having everything ready for me at my shopping trip; it felt amazing and exciting to try on clothes and I loved the way they made me feel during my shopping trip; it felt like shopping with great friends. They pulled articles of clothing that I never would have tried on let alone bought, yet I ended up going home with them because of how amazing they looked on me! Before, I always bought neutral, solid colors, after my shopping trip, I came home with bright colors and patterned shirts, pants, and shoes. And everything the team pulled for me works together, making for numerous combinations within my wardrobe. Seeing the visual differences in before-and-after pictures, helped me understand my style and how to avoid common mistakes.

    i have a great new wardrobe that fits me, my personality, and needs. I’m excited when I get ready for the day, which is how I want to feel every morning. Whereas, before I worked with Michael Bruce Image Consulting, I spent a lot of time staring at my closet, trying to figure out what to wear because nothing stood out; sometimes, it was the worst part of my morning. Now, I love looking in my closet trying to decide which combination of jacket, shirt, pants, and shoes I want to wear; it’s not always an easy decision! I never would have thought new clothes would make this big of an impact on my daily life.

    I highly recommend this journey for anyone who is even considering it. I had hesitated out of fear for what a stylist might think when coming to my closet; in hindsight, I would do it again knowing how much better I feel with my new style. My confidence has boosted, I feel elevated and the experience has taught me that I can be a mom AND look and feel fabulous. I enjoy talking about my experience with family and friends, as well as sharing different style tips that I have learned with them. I still have friends ask me about the process. It is definitely worth the investment because rather than throwing money at clothes and styles you think might work for you (only to wear them a couple of times), you save money (and time) by purchasing clothes that look great the first time around and remain a staple in your wardrobe rotation. Ultimately though, Bruce and Pamela achieved my most important goal of not looking like a “mom” and exceeded my expectations with the bonus of other people noticing; even strangers, comment on how I look so put together when I’m out my girls. My clothes are toddler resistant, affordable, and stylish; I look forward going to play dates or even the grocery store or Target, just to dress up!

  • CORI: Under the Radar to on Target

    I started to notice a marked change in one of my work colleagues and asked her what had changed; she told me about Michael Bruce Image Consulting. I needed to learn more - I HATE shopping and I work 60+ hour per week, so I neither have the time nor do I make the time. I’ve dressed fairly conservatively my whole life which I thought made things simpler...if you're never quite IN style then you're never quite OUT of style either. But, I've done well in the Real Estate Business and decided it was time to elevate my look and invest in myself for once so I gifted myself a Style Consultation. I was worried they'd put me in clothes and shoes that weren't comfortable or reflect who I was; while I did want to improve my look, comfort was still key and I wanted to recognize myself.

    My worries were unfounded, the team was wonderful. I met with Bruce first; he listened intently to what I had to say, asked questions and wasn't judgmental. When he and Pamela came to my home to review my closet, it was comfortable and fun. Because I didn't care or know much about style (or clothes), I wasn't attached to too much (except a few comfy sweaters we kept for me to wear around the house). We had a lot of laughs and trusted them completely - it was so refreshing to purge clothes that I wasn’t wearing because they were old, the wrong color or style for me, or simply just didn't work for my body type.

    After my closet consultation, so much changed! I’m not intimidated or frustrated by my closet anymore and I learned a few key details I now know to pay attention to; little things like sleeve and pant length and how to use accessories. These tips guide me when I put my outfits together and because everything in my closet is stylish, fits me well and looks good, I feel more confident about my look and personal style. And, I have more time to focus on other things since I can pick my outfit in about a minute; it's saved me hundreds of hours in the morning! I still break out in hives at the thought of shopping for myself so having access to the Michael Bruce Image Consulting team means I can reach out to them for a few new items each season because the foundation of my wardrobe

  • KIM: Learning to Enjoy the Process

    I was ready for a change, so my motivation to work with an image consultant stemmed from my transition from stay-at-home-mom to working-outside-the-home-mom. I had a closet full of clothes, but was tired of still having nothing to wear. At first, I was hesitant to invest the money on myself and hire an image consulting company, but I needed help finding my personal style for my new career. I was nervous about inviting an outsider in to critique my current stay-at-home-mom wardrobe, and overwhelmed by the thought of de-cluttering and organizing my closet. I also felt like I needed to reach an ideal weight before scheduling an appointment with an image consultant and shopping for new clothes.

    Our initial meeting involved meaningful conversation about my life, goals, obstacles, fashion versus style, budget and more. Before we could even begin the process of building a new wardrobe, Michael Bruce Image Consulting wanted to build a relationship and start to develop trust. For the closet edit, they put me at ease quickly, they gave an honest assessment and shared their expertise on how to better dress for my body-type and which styles, sizes and colors would work best for me. I was so relieved that most of what was left after the edit, were things I loved and wore the most; I could finally see them! And I was able to let go of items that no longer served a purpose; I had permission to purge.

    The next step was shopping, I don’t like spending hours in a store, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE coming home with new clothes; however, I can’t stand the process that goes into getting them. For me, walking into a store can be overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time; if I can’t find the right size or a trend that suits my style, I’m done. The Michael Bruce Image Consulting team encouraged me to be open to what they picked out for me. The most enjoyable part of the shopping experience was the VIP service Bruce and his team provided. I was escorted to a reserved dressing room where clothing and accessories, that were thoughtfully pre-selected, were set up and waiting for me to arrive! They had me try on things I might not normally pick or be interested in trying, despite my initial reservations, everything they picked out for me was perfect! I didn’t feel pressure to buy everything, but I did because I loved It, and working with them has saved me time and money. Shopping doesn’t have to be a process, it can be adventurous, fun, educational AND efficient. By working with the team, I have built an amazing wardrobe that I love; my closet is now organized, and I have photos of various looks, which makes it quick and easy to get ready in the morning. I am more confident about my personal style and wardrobe choices, I love the way I feel, and will never grow tired of hearing compliments on my style!

    I know my confidence and self-esteem have been elevated along with my style because I have experienced measurable results in both my personal and professional lives. I now understand how to express myself with my personal style, and confidently select clothing and accessories that accentuate my body, and that really reflect who I am inside AND out. I’m also more mindful when purchasing items for, or wearing items from my wardrobe. I take the time to think about who my audience is when I get dressed for my day. I’m also learning to be less judgmental of myself, and embrace the body I have, regardless of my size.

    Michael Bruce Image Consulting has taught me to believe it when they say, “You are worth the investment!” Don’t be afraid of the process, don’t wait until you have an empty closet or until you lose weight. You can trust them, they offer great advice and not just about style or wardrobe solutions! They’re a valuable part of my life’s journey and I’m very grateful.

  • SUSAN: It's So Nice to Finally Meet Me

    After retirement, I looked at my closet and saw two things: a sea of dark suits that all looked alike and my workout uniform of black yoga pants and sport tops. I was about to start my own coaching business, which meant I’d be meeting with clients and networking. I was excited, but suddenly realized I had nothing in my closet to wear that made sense for this next chapter which be would more casual than suits, but certainly more formal than workout clothes. I looked online, visited Nordstrom and other stores, but didn’t know where to start so I didn’t buy anything; it was too overwhelming. A few months later, I ran into a friend, who always looks just right, and asked her how she always manages to look so good. Without hesitation she said, “Call Bruce.” I did – and I’m so glad.

    At first, I was embarrassed about my clothes and was worried Bruce and his team might be judgmental. I didn’t know what to expect, and that made me nervous. Would he criticize my fashion sense? Would he tell me to lose weight? Would he want to make me look like someone else? And I was especially nervous about my hair; I hadn’t changed my hairstyle in years because I liked the way it was. An update was one thing, however the last time I had made a change it was a bad experience – I didn’t want a repeat of that! 

    My fears vanished at my closet review. Bruce and Pamela came to my house and in a friendly and open way, they made their way to my closet and started with their process. It was immediately clear they are experts. Bruce was stationed in my closet, while Pamela stayed with me, helping me with the clothes Bruce had me try on. They were both respectful and fun, so I felt comfortable. As I tried on clothes for them, they would educate me on what worked for me and what didn’t – and why, so I could take the lessons shopping with me, even when I was by myself. We donated a large portion of items to Ryther (which I felt good about) and the items that stayed, I learned how to wear in an updated way. I also learned that I was wearing the wrong size in many of my clothes, Bruce and Pamela showed me how clothes should fit.

    I chose to go shopping as part of my package; when I arrived, I was thrilled to see that what was selected by Bruce and the team, felt right for me and my style. I didn’t know my style, but Bruce did, and he helped me come into my own. It was the same with his hair vision, Bruce came to the salon with me and had several options that would work with my hair type and look good on me and I liked them all! He stayed for the entire appointment to make sure the result was what I liked. In fact, it was such a great experience I continue to go to that salon and Bruce continues to check in!

    The entire experience has allowed me to be more fully myself. I’m not thinking about whether my clothes are right for the occasion, if they’re too tight or too loose, I’m not fighting with my hair or make up; instead wherever I am, I am fully present because I’m not overthinking my appearance. I feel confident and prepared for anything. And while I feel like I have a team of friends who are there to help if I have a question or need advice, I do feel like I can put together an outfit that works for me. Also, I feel like now I’ll spend less on clothes because I’m not making random purchases with no point; if I want to buy something, I now know what is right for me. 

    Overall, this experience proved to me how much my outer appearance impacts my inner experience.  Now that I have a good understanding of my personal style, and how to maintain it, I feel more confident to show up at any occasion and be me. I would encourage anyone to explore their personal style journey. It is a unique experience that is both fun and personally enlightening; plus, you’ll find great friends in Bruce and his team as they support you throughout your journey. 

  • LAURIE: I Can See Clearly Now

    When I look in the mirror, I cannot see myself; instead I see a distorted image, it’s almost like looking into a shattered mirror. I can only see “slices” of myself. Not being able to see yourself clearly effects, among other things, your style and confidence. I sought help from Michael Bruce Image Consulting, because I wanted to own my personal style and feel confident enough to get dressed, forget how I look and instead focus on experiences. I was skeptical about hiring an image consulting company, would they dress in a style that was me? That was within my budget? And would I feel comfortable enough to trust strangers with sensitive conversations about my physique? I was tired of depending on others to help put together my wardrobe; often it was stressful and unfulfilling. I was vulnerable to pitfalls like salespeople on commission telling me I looked fabulous, or other people projecting their style on to me, trying to help. I wasn’t comfortable in the trendy items they insisted I wear, none of it felt like me.

    Then a colleague referred me to Michael Bruce Image Consulting. I was so nervous to just meet with the team the first time. Oh, what I went through trying to decide what to wear for the meeting!! But then shortly into our conversation, it became clear that the team is professional, knowledgeable and for the first time, I had real hope. I might have found a solution to a life-long challenge. More than a solution, this experience has been a game changer.

    The team helped me discover my style and more importantly, I learned what I really wanted was to own the “me” that I project to the world, and that starts with how I dress (I also learned I was wearing all the wrong sizes!). I no longer spend wasteful time and energy trying on multiple outfits to figure out what to wear. I no longer spend more time packing for vacation than I spend on the actual vacation. I no longer get self-conscious at social events about what I’m wearing, I am present and enjoy the experience. I no longer spend too much time, energy and money on my wardrobe. I no longer dread getting dressed; I’m even ready for events early. My closet is intact after I get ready because it’s organized and full of beautiful things that I can wear because that they fit ME. My closet is no longer a storage place for sadness and regrets. My husband and other close friends and family have noticed my newfound confidence and I know that I can reach out to Michael Bruce Image Consulting with questions, when I feel a change coming, or if I’m in need of a tune up. I can see clearly now.

  • JD: The Elements of Style

    There’re several factors that led me to seek out an Image Consultant, some immediate and others more long term. The immediate impetus was that I began a new Director-level position with an educational institution and didn’t have the professional wardrobe I felt it required. I’m also finishing a novel and needed a new look with wardrobe options for meeting with agents and publishers. I also realized, I had no idea how much I didn’t know about style, image, and how to bring out my best self in professional situations. Taken together, along with being completely bored with what was in my closet, I knew I needed to take the step to hire an Image Consultant.

    The holdup was being embarrassed by what was in my closet, by how little I knew about style and image, and by my limited income. I didn’t think I’d be able to build a wardrobe that would work for me, be versatile enough to do what I needed it to, and be affordable. I also found myself nervous about the possibility of being told that all the things I liked to wear, that I always thought looked good on me, would instead be revealed as all wrong. I hate to say I was worried about my ego taking a hit, but that really was a factor. If my sense of image, style, self has been flawed all this time, what would that say about me? It turned out this wasn’t even remotely a concern, but prior, I was nervous about all of that.

    From the earliest interactions, through the closet purge to the final fitting, the Michael Bruce Image Consulting team was amazing. Clear, professional, humorous, and focused on explaining their ideas and theories to me. I didn’t feel criticized or judged, I felt empowered, respected and supported. It was a tremendous experience, during which I learned far too many things to list them all, however the main ones were 1) that image and style are NOT illusions—they are real, with real importance and value professionally and personally. 2) That image consulting is about bringing out, and sharpening the best version of myself, not creating a False Me. Image isn’t shallow, or “not real”, it is a way to focus and channel my energies into my work and life experiences and goals. Looking the part helps me bring all aspects of my life together to my benefit. 3) That I enjoy feeling confident about how I dress and look, it built my self-esteem in ways I didn’t know I wanted, or needed.

    I like how I look, and I feel like I now know how to better put together looks that really works for me. I’m light years ahead of where I used to be, yet I still have so much more to learn. I feel like I know how to better combine elements of style and how to identify quality items that work for me. I also know that I can bounce ideas off my consultants and get feedback on my choices. That kind of support is immeasurable. This experience has helped me leave behind some old fashion habits that have long since needed replacing, and as a result, doing so has helped me really invest in my present, and lean into the future.

    I never knew that doing this kind of image consulting could be so empowering and valuable to me on an emotional level, as well as on a professional one. I feel so much better about myself and about how I am pursuing my goals. I feel like I’m making strides towards them with less fear about the future, and with less “baggage” from old ideas and habits. Friends, colleagues, baristas in my coffee hangouts, and even people I only ever see in passing have noticed the changes, and really like them. I’ve become more efficient and productive at work, because I feel more professional and locked into a working mindset. I feel “grown up,” which is kind of a big deal for me as have I avoided it for years! Now I am embracing it a lot more than I did before. This was life changing for me.

    If you’re considering using an image consultant, be brave and go for it. If you think you might need help, then you do. Be open minded, take direct feedback and embrace the learning component of it. It’s worth any nerves or discomfort you may have going into it. Let someone else identify and help bring out the positives you see in yourself, along with the ones you don’t see. There is no down side to doing it.